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Amazing Wall Art Ideas for the 5 OCEAN Personalities

What would you say if I told you that choosing just the right wall art feature for your home could improve your mood and mental well-being? Well, it’s actually very true.

But choosing the right wall art that suits your specific personality trait is key. We have five main personality types that are referred to as the OCEAN acronym or the OCEAN model.

What are the OCEAN Traits in Personality?

OCEAN stands for: Openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.

The OCEAN model represents the level of a person’s openness to new experiences, an individual’s conscientiousness towards the feelings of others, the level of extraversion or introversion a person has when dealing with others on a social level, the agreeableness to compromise aspects of yourself to please others, and lastly, the neuroticism a person displays towards situations that they find emotionally triggering.

Remember not to mistake personality traits for personality types. Traits refer to preditable and consistent behavior in reaction to different situations. In other words, we and the people who know us are aware of this behavior or type of reaction.

You will recognize it by statements such as, She knew me well enough to know that I wouldn’t like this.

Or how someone who enjoys taking walks at home after a long day in order to wind down will also be likely to want to take walks to explore the sights when they’re on vacation.

Whereas personality types are made up of a combination of different traits. For example, a person with a very feminine personality type may have traits like gentleness, empathy, kindness, helpfulness, devotion, and expressiveness.

Basically, it’s a combination of traits that can fall within any and all of the 5 OCEAN Traits.

Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay

How to Apply the OCEAN model When Choosing Wall Art

Art allows us to express ourselves. Even if we don’t paint the pictures or sculpt the statues ourselves. It still has the power to make us stop, think, and feel. Which is a great way to set the mood of a space.

When it comes to selecting your perfect wall art, you may want something that reflects what you’re interested in and makes you think happy thoughts.

The idea is that if it makes you think and feel happy, then it’s more likely to force you to subsconsciously feel better whenever you catch a glimpse of it.

But, with that in mind, the wall art piece has to enhance your space and create a well-put-together look. To truly make your walls come alive when applying the OCEAN model, use the following as a guide in helping you find your ideal choice of wall art.


Open people tend to want to know more about the environment and world around them, how it works, and why it works the way that it does.

People with high levels of openness


  • Enjoy trying out new things
  • Open-minded
  • Geat at coming up with new ideas and concepts

Types of activities they may enjoy

  • They have artistic hobbies
  • Enjoy events that are rich in culture
  • Poetry readings

Ideal Artwork

  • Abstract art with vibrant colors
  • Unconventional shapes
  • Thought-provoking designs

Look for pieces that evoke curiosity, spark imagination, and convey a sense of exploration.

People with low levels of openness


  • Prefer to have a set routine and don’t like to move away from it.
  • Conservative
  • Find it hard to accept and adapt to change.

Types of activities they may enjoy

  • Participating in activities with clear guidelines, such as puzzles or Sudoku
  • Enjoying familiar hobbies, such as knitting or gardening
  • Yoga and meditation

Ideal Artwork

  • Traditional and familiar art forms
  • Muted in color and patterns
  • The beauty of nature, a scenic beach, or a flower garden


Conscientious people are known to be kind and considerate. Not only to friends and family but also to people that they have just met. They are big-thinkers and are likely to prioritize how others think and feel in any situation.

People with high levels of conscientiousness


  • Responsible and reliable
  • Prioritize being organized
  • High level of self-control and self-discipline

Types of activities they may enjoy

  • Planning and executing vacation itineraries
  • Reading and solving puzzles
  • Activities that require discipline and focus

Ideal Artwork

  • Pieces that reflect a sense of order
  • Minimalistic prints that feature clean lines
  • Geometric designs

These will create a visually calm and harmonious environment.

People with low levels of conscientiousness


  • Struggle to stay self-motivated
  • Tend to procrastinate
  • Prioritize having fun now and are unable to postpone gratification

Types of activities they may enjoy

  • Spontaneous outings or road trips
  • Social gatherings and parties
  • Exploring new experiences without strict schedules

Ideal Artwork

  • Whimsical and unconventional art
  • Street art
  • Abstract art


People who fall under the Extraversion trait are, well, you guessed it, extroverts. They are very social beings and feel happiest when they are engaging with people and getting tons of attention.

People with high levels of Extraversion 


  • Excitement seeking
  • Seek out opportunities to interact with other people
  • Talkative and Assertive

The types of activities they may enjoy

  • Group activities or team sports
  • Traveling with friends or in groups
  • Engaging in energetic activities such as dancing or team games

 Ideal Artwork 

  • Bright colors and large prints
  • Posters of favorite musicians or artists
  • Visually stimulating and captures attention

Artwork that catches the eye and ignites conversations is perfect for the extraverted personality.

People with low levels of Extraversion 


  • Quiet in nature
  • Reserved
  • Prefer their alone time instead of socializing.

The types of activities they may enjoy

  • Solo activities such as reading, drawing, or writing
  • Engaging in solitary hobbies like gardening or knitting
  • Participating in low-key social activities with close friends or family

Ideal Artwork 

  • Expressive and emotional art
  • Metaphorical art that allows for personal interpretation
  • Artwork that promotes inner reflection


Agreeable people are, for me, the hardest to read because they are such people-pleasers. They are more selfless in their interactions with others and may, from time to time, put the needs of others before their own.

People with high levels of Agreeableness 


  • Find it very easy to make friends and get along with people
  • Kind and considerate towards others
  • Put the needs of others ahead of their own needs

The types of activities they may enjoy

  • Team sports or group activities
  • Volunteering and community service
  • Engaging in activities that promote harmony and cooperation

Ideal Artwork 

  • Gentle abstract artwork featuring soft colors
  • Warmth, nature, or soothing imagery
  • Landscapes and floral prints

These pieces create a calming atmosphere that nurtures both the viewer and the space.

People with low levels of Agreeableness  


  • Put their own needs ahead of others.
  • More hostile toward others.
  • Less empathetic

The types of activities they may enjoy

  • Competitive sports
  • Individual exercises or workouts
  • Solo hobbies that provide independence

Ideal Artwork 

  • Edgy or provocative art forms
  • Unconventional art themes
  • Artwork that expresses individuality or dissent


People who have neurotic traits are very in touch with their emotions. In some cases, they can be a little too close. Their emotions have been known to be a little bit more exaggerated than what the situation actually calls for.

People with high levels of Neuroticism 


  • Emotionally sensitive
  • Seek comfort and reassurance in their environment
  • Struggle to cope in stressful situations

The types of activities they may enjoy

  • High-intensity workouts
  • Adrenaline-inducing activities like extreme sports
  • Engaging in competitive activities

Ideal artwork

  • Vibrant and contrasting color palettes
  • Art with intense or chaotic themes
  • Art that explores complex or conflicting emotions

People with low levels of Neuroticism


  • Emotionally stable
  • Don’t sweat the small stuff
  • Less likely to experience anxiety

The types of activities they may enjoy

  • Solo activities that promote self-care and self-reflection
  • Yoga or meditation
  • Engaging in leisurely or slow-paced hobbies

Ideal artwork

  • Nature-inspired art
  • Soft and soothing color palettes
  • Serene photography

These pieces will create a sanctuary that nurtures emotional well-being.

In conclusion

With each trait, you will find people who are either on the low end of the spectrum, on the high end of the spectrum, or in the middle. Their position on the spectrum ultimately determines their behavior within their personality trait.

Choosing the ideal wall art for your personality trait can play a huge role in transforming your living space into a warm, safe zone and a reflection of who you are.

Whether you’re open, conscientious, extraverted, agreeable, or neurotic, there’s guaranteed to be an artwork out there that speaks to your individuality.

An important thing for you to keep in mind is that a person’s preferences can vary among individuals because we each have our unique quirks. Therefore, these are more general tendencies than definitive statements.

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