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Self-perception: The Psychology of Dressing for Success

I used to have moments where I found myself struggling with my overall self-confidence and self-perception. For the most part, I was able to get through a lot of the emotions that came with it.

But, from time to time, especially when I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I would get a reminder that the person I was looking at was far from the person I had been wishing to become.

And the images that I was constantly seeing in my favourite magazines didn’t help either. Instead, I would be left feeling inadequate. 

One day I decided to defy my insecurities and explore the power of fashion with the hope that it would change my self-perception.

Self-perception, is also referred to as self-concept, is the way we view ourselves and who we believe we are. It can vastly affect how well we blend in with society, our sense of judgment, as well as our chosen behaviour.

In today’s post we will discuss:

An Introduction to Self-perception 

According to Carl Rogers’ self concept theory, self-concept is made up of three main components. The self-image, ideal self and self-esteem.

The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction, not a destination.

Carl Rodgers


Self-image speaks to how you perceive your physical attributes. In essence, what you see when you look in the mirror, that is the person who you are right now.

Socially, your self-image is your role and contribution within society. How well you interact with others and the value that you believe your interactions and contributions add to your environment. 

Your personality traits, in terms of self-image are the traits that are unique to your personality. 

Such as being a reserved and conservative or very outgoing person and outspoken. Among a whole list of other personality traits that you possess.

Ideal self

The second concept is your ideal self. The ideal self is the person that you envision yourself becoming. 

The person who possesses your dream qualities, has your dream image and lives your dream life and is perceived by society a certain way.


Self-esteem focuses on how much you like, value and accept yourself. It looks at the way you compare yourself to others. 

Especially when you are measuring your success, happiness and fulfilment in life. We are all different and therefore have different things that we put a great deal of value on. 

Self concept is made up of a combination of both self-esteem and self-image and it’s first developed in early childhood. It then continues to develop further and evolve with age and experience. 

The Power of Clothing on Self-perception 

Clothing is a vital tool in self-perception and self-expression, because fashion itself is a form of expression.

The clothing that you choose to wear shows how you see yourself. It sends a message to the people who are looking at you about your personality, your values and personal preferences.

As much as you may not realise it often enough. If you pay attention, you will notice that the clothes you wear have the power to affect how you feel.

When you wear chic and stylish clothing you tend to feel good about yourself

When you wear sweats and lounge wear, you feel relaxed and laid back. Sexy lingerie (even when no one else gets to see it), you feel sexy and confident.

“To me clothing is a form of self-expression”

Marc Jacobs

When you feel good you become more confident to take on the world. Even when your day isn’t going well, you are able to handle it with a different kind of energy.

On the other hand, school or work uniforms instill the idea of order and help the you feel like they are connected with the people who are within your “team”.

When in uniform, no one person out does another in terms of dress sense and style and their social status is not reflected in their outfits.

This increases the concept of teamwork and makes for a productive environment, be it at work or at school.

In the study called “enclothed cognition”, emphasis is placed on the symbolism behind clothing and the emotional and psychological effect that you experience when you wearing that particular outfit or item of clothing.

According to the international conference on Addiction and Associated Disorders it is said that “people in the fashion industry are 25% more likely to experience mental illness than in any other industry“.

This is one of the main reasons the fashion industry faces major criticism, for setting a bad example by promoting unhealthy images and expectations of beauty.

The Influence of Color and Style on Self-perception 

You may have never considered this before, but color also plays a role in how you perceive others, and how your behavior is affected when you’re wearing certain colors. Here are a few examples:

The color red symbolises passion, desire confidence and being strong willed and it comes as no surprise why people wearing red are perceived to be more attractive by the opposite gender.

White symbolizes purity, innocence and careless. Take a brides white wedding dress, it represents a bride’s innocence before they get married.

White is also a great color to wear in summer because it reflects light and heat, which helps with keeping you cool. On the other hand, darker colors are better in winter because they they absorb heat.

Blue represents the sky and the ocean and both symbolise stability, consistency and authority.

Darker shades of blue usually have an authoritative and serious feeling, while softer shades of blue have a calming and tranquil effect.

Purple represents wealth, power and ambition. Its a color that is associated with royalty but also creativity and spirituality.

The color purple is a combination of red and blue and has an energetic effect from the color red as well as a calming effect from the color blue.

Green represents growth, money and good fortune. You should wear green when you’re hoping to feel grounded or renewed.

Darker shades of green have a calming effect and lighter shades of green will help you feel revitalized.

Black tends to send the message of wealth and power. Because it provides a sense of credibility, its best to wear the color when you wan to impress or reassure someone.

Style and personality

Personal style choices play an important role in reflecting your identity and self-perception.

Because the way you dress is a visual representation that highlights your individuality and how we want to be perceived by others.

A few examples of individuals who have used color and style to enhance their self-perception are: 

Photo credit: National Today

Iris Apfel is a fashion icon known for eclectic and unique sense of style. She is known to wear layers of bold and vibrant colors.

Her fearless use of color and accessories has made her stand out in the fashion world allowing her to express her individuality and embrace her true self.

Photo credit: People

Billy Porter is an actor and singer is known for his exciting fashion choices that challenge traditional gender norms.

His extravagant outfits use color and style to express his authentic self and convey meaningful messages about self-acceptance and inclusivity.

Photo credit: Vibe

Janelle Monae is a singer and actress who is recognized for her signature black and white outfits.

By incorporating these colors consistently into her style, she has created a distinct visual identity that reflects her personality and artistic vision.

Her intentional use of color has become a part of her brand and has reinforced her position as a fashion icon.

These above-mentioned individuals are only three of millions who show how color and style can be used as a form of self expression. It allows them to embrace their unique identities and improve their self-perception.

They have inspired others to embrace their own personal style and celebrate their individuality. I hope that they will inspire you too!

Dressing well as a form of self-care

Yes, I said it dressing well is absolutely considered a form of self-care. When you dress well you are presenting your best self to the world.

Most importantly, dressing well can empower you to feel more in control of how others perceive you. Here are more reasons why dressing well can be seen as a self-care practice:

Wearing clothes that make you feel comfortable and confident can boost your self-esteem.

This can positively impact your interactions with others and boost your self-esteem in social situations.

When you dress in a way that aligns with your personal style and represent how you want to be received and perceived, you are more likely to feel good about yourself and project a positive self-image.

The process of choosing an outfit, styling your hair, and accessorizing can be seen as a self-care ritual.

You need to make a habit of using self-care as an opportunity to focus on yourself because it provides a sense of self-nurturing and mindfulness.

Its important to remember self care is a broad concept that includes various efforts aimed at promoting your well-being.

And dressing well is just one aspect of self-care that undoubtedly has the power to enhance your confidence, mood and overall self-perception.

Another important thing to keep in mind when it comes to fashion is, being mindful about the clothes that you wear. Even if you are working from home and you feel like no one is going to see you.

Putting in an effort to look good, or at the very least, to look decent has the power to improve your focus the task at hand.

Criticism against the fashion industry

The fashion industry has always been the go-to place to find fashion and beauty advice for not just young people they were all the people at all.  However as the saying goes “not all that glitters is gold”. 

The fashion industry continues to receive major criticism around the negative effects and Influence that it has on people.

The fashion industry has been criticized for promoting unhealthy standards of beauty.

Standards that encourage consumers to make extreme changes to their appearance, and end up resorting to unhealthy methods such as crash dieting and over exercising, in order to fit the image of what the fashion industry deems beautiful.

Another criticism about the fashion industry is that it has contributed to our youth culture of materialism and has influenced consumers to constantly purchase clothing and accessory items, in order to keep up with ever changing trends. 

The Effects of Body positivity and self-acceptance on Self-perception

Body positivity is embracing your body as it naturally is, regardless of your shape and size.

This is the reason it’s vital to choose clothing that fits well as flat as you unique body shape.

It helps to create and maintain a sense of body positivity and self-acceptance, that is the ultimate ingredient to your improved self-image.

Brands such as Savage X Fenty have taken body positivity and self-acceptance to a whole new level with their new lingerie line, that was launched in 2018.

This collection showcased an interesting and unique group of models. The collection was modelled by plus size models, models from different races, different genders and sexual orientations, along with models who are no known in the fashion industry.

The aim of this particular brand was to showcase lingerie that is created for all body types with the priority being inclusivity.

Savage X Fenty even have a men’s collection that caters to plus size men, so that they too can feel confident and sexy.

The Nike brand also had a pretty interesting body positivity bra campaign. With the tagline, “every woman no matter what city is need a sports bra that fits”.

This campaign was aimed at educating women about the importance of finding the perfect bra. It highlighted that regardless of the activity you are involved in, whatever your specific body type or your cup size, there will always be a perfect bra for you in their collection.


In conclusion, self-perception is the way you perceive yourself, including your body image, self-esteem, and confidence. Dressing well not only enhances your appearance but also enhances your self-perception.

The power of clothing lies in its ability to influence how we view ourselves and how others perceive us. Color and style play a significant role in shaping your self-perception. Different colors evoke specific emotions and can affect our mood and confidence.

Similarly, the style of your clothing can reflect your personality traits and cultural identity, reinforcing your sense of self.

Embracing body positivity and celebrating diverse body types can reshape the fashion industry and foster a healthier, more inclusive perception of oneself.

By embracing your individuality and embracing body positivity, you can create a fashion-forward world that empowers and uplifts individuals, ultimately enhancing their self-perception.